Python, libraries and bots
Having used python to make automated scripts for work through Selenium and PyautoGui and BeautifulSoup, I wanted to apply this to something that’s not related to my current company’s intellectual property.
According to some new sources, nearly 48 million twitter accounts could be bots and nearly two-thirds of tweets come form bots It would be fun to make bot that join this growing cohert
Having some python knowldge handy and a quick google search led me to the Tweepy library. Using a set of images smaller that the 3Mb cap Twitter’s API enforces, the script randomly selects and images and posts it onto twitter
The hardest part all of this is trying to get Python Anywhere to host it with a free license as an automated task
I have the Lydia Davis bot in mind that I still need to figure how to work. Stored quotes in dictionaries? Hosting them in a Dropbox file as one other programmer did?
This twitter bot can be found on twitter