Well, the Pablo and Daisy bot has been causing me some issues and with my recent job change, I haven’t put in the time to find a better deployment model. When I first ran the script off my computer, it would run fine for the first two instances, then I suppose the Python IDLE just stopped. I then used Python Anywhere and depoloyed the script there and the photo album the script connected to. That worked only one time, but the subsequent runs were unsuccessful. Strange…

The minor edit I made last month was to try to randomize the images the script selected after picking up the python way for Randomizing. I saw that when it initiall ran, it would always post the same image first. I’m not entirely sure if the new code runs the way I want it to – I haven’t made it a priority to update the code from Python Anywhere to test it again. Plus with my new job taking a direct focus towards Windows Server, cloud deployment methods, and I’ll be busy for some time.